Archive for General news
New Triple Therapy Device for COPD
Chiesi, a very good friend of Dispensing Doctors have launched their Triple therapy inhaler as a NEXThaler device which is a non-aerosol inhaler. With the updated Investment and Impact Fund...
Field Safety Notices: 6 to 10 September 2021
List of field safety notices (FSNs) from medical device manufacturers from 6 to 10 September 2021 Source:MHRA Overview If you receive a field safety notice (FSN) from a manufacturer you...
The Best Practice Show 13-14 October 2021- free to book!
Join us at The Best Practice Show on 13-14 October 2021! Earn 12 hours of CPD training through a world-class programme of free content, at the UK’s number 1...
Parallel Import Profitability – September Update!
We have updated the Parallel Import Profitability tool with the latest September prices!!! Dispex Member can gain access to our Profitability Tools and data. We provide everything you need to help...
September 2021-Discount Updates for Members
On our Discount Update page we update members with the latest discounts offered by manufacturers and highlight any discounts withdrawn. We analyse the impact of these changes on individual brand...
End to temporary suspension of submission of certain EPS tokens and patient signatures on pharmacy, dental and eye care forms
Source: NHSBSA This is an announcement on behalf of the Department of Health and Social Care (DHSC). Since 1 November 2020 to 31 August 2021 the requirement for patient (or...
Join us at Respiratory Professional Care on 13-14 October 2021!
Join us at Respiratory Professional Care on 13-14 October 2021! Earn 12 hours of CPD training through a world-class programme of free content, at the UK’s number 1 event for...
Your surgery will need to register for a new login! Members pages include: PROFITABILITY TOOLS Brand comparisons Positive parallel imports Benchmark your dispensing profit Generics costing more than the tariff...
Join us at The Best Practice Show on 13-14 October 2021!
Join us at The Best Practice Show on 13-14 October 2021! Earn 12 hours of CPD training through a world-class programme of free content, at the UK’s number 1...
Confused by the new PCSE Online Drug Statements?
Well, Dispex has produced an easy-to-follow comparison video between the New PCSE and Old Exeter statement, this information is located within our Informatics section of the website. Dispex members will...
Have you read the August Gazette yet?? Download your copy today!
Here to Help-Profitability Resources Updated This months’ highlights include- a PCSE statement vs Exeter statement comparison, information on the updated Brand Comparisons pages for Calcium and Vitamin D Combinations,...
What do you think of the new website?
The New Website Once you’ve had a chance to login and look around the new website features, we would love to hear what you think! Therefore, please feel free to...