30th March 2023
Dispex will provide primary care focused updates on drug supply issues. Data will be taken from
the SPS website on a weekly basis. Dispex members can login here to see the updated list in full.
Discontinued drugs will be listed at the bottom of the postings.
With shortages continuing into the foreseeable future, please ensure you are properly
managing your owings process in accordance with a robust dispensary SOP. Members
can login to our website and download our “Dispex Owing SOP” (P8). You must
personalise the template SOP for your own dispensary!!
Designed and produced by Dispex in the same format and standard as our other publications, these
convenient Dispensary Owing Books are used when a prescription has been partly completed – the
dispensary copy can either be attached to the fulfilled ‘owed’ prescription or left in the bound books.
This ensures an accurate and more efficient record management system is in place for patients
Dispex Owing Books details:
- Perforated duplicate pages
- Numbered pages
- Size 210mm x 99mm
- 50 pages per book
- Competitive prices!
Owing Book Prices:
2 Books – M £7 NM £12
6 Books – M £18 NM £24
10 Books – M £26 NM £35
(all prices are exclusive of VAT)
£6+vat per delivery on items up to 2kg, for full delivery T&Cs please click here.
click here to order