Source: The Department of Health and Social Care (DHSC)
The DHSC is to review the statutory duty of candour for health and social care providers in England following reports that the duty is not always met as intended in regulation 20.
In November 2014, the government introduced a statutory (organisational) duty of candour for NHS trusts and NHS foundation trusts via Regulation 20 of the Health and Social Care Act 2008 (Regulated Activities) Regulations 2014 (‘regulation 20’). From April 2015, the duty extended to all other health and social care providers registered with the Care Quality Commission (CQC), including care homes.
The duty of candour is a crucial, underpinning aspect of an open and transparent culture which supports staff to be candid. The duty permits a level of scrutiny to be applied, which gives an opportunity to consider each situation objectively, look at what could have been done better and implement any necessary changes in order to advance patient safety.
The review is being conducted to understand to what extent the duty of candour is honoured, monitored and enforced. The online survey is open until 29th May 2024.
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