Don’t Miss Out on Your PCN Leadership & Management Training Funding!

Did you know the 2024-25 PCN DES contract specification allows for a Leadership
and Management payment?  But this is now combined into the core PCN Funding.

What does this mean?
It means that practices can utilise the PCN Funding payment to have training through
Dispex for Leadership & Management training for your Dispensary! Either as an
individual practice or at PCN level. Please click  here to read the DES contract in full

Don’t let this funding slip away — invest it in professional development that
will elevate
your team and practice.

Unlock Free Training in 5 Easy Steps:

  1. Identified a Training Need?  If the requirement is in leadership or management,
    then we’re here to help.
  2. Choose a Course – Explore Dispex’s tailored options, including our 7-course online
    package, onsite dispensary profitability management reviewsDispensary Manager
    mentorship Programme
    or onsite dispensary management training.
  3. Coordinate With Your PCN Lead –  Provide them with your training request and
    our course information, plus our email . Practices can use this
    TEMPLATE LETTER to formalise your request with your PCN. It’s important to
    acknowledge that Dispex bears no responsibility for the decisions made by NHS
    England regarding funding payments.
  4. On Your PCNs approval -once funding has been approved by your PCN, please
    contact the Dispex office via email. You have two options for payment; we can either
    directly invoice your PCN or alternatively, we can invoice your practice. If you choose
    the latter, you will need to coordinate with your PCN to arrange your reimbursement.
  5. Receive Confirmation – you will receive your training confirmation directly from
    Dispex. Please note, each PCN functions differently with varying criteria for processing
    funding requests.


Don’t Miss Out – Secure Your Funding by 31st March!

If you don’t use it, you’ll lose it, so act now before the clock runs out! If your request is approved
and we invoice your PCN by 31st March, you can schedule your training session to take place
after the deadline.

The deadline is approaching fast. Don’t wait — act now!