September was certainly a month to remember, with the sad passing of her late Majesty
Queen Elizabeth II, and her state funeral. We also saw King Charles III formally proclaimed
as Britain’s Monarch and we await the announcement of his coronation date. October
will bring further changes with the clocks going back and frosty mornings. For Primary
Care you will also see the new Dispensing Fee Scale and Drug Tariff Changes for October!
However, besides the Category M changes, there are a few significant changes to the Drug
Tariff which may impact dispensing practices, members can login here to view the changes.
Many of you will be aware that the Dispex Team attended last month’s DDA conference,
where we met with some truly lovely and forward-thinking dispensers, Dispensary Managers,
GPs and Practice Managers. We believe we answered everyone’s queries and gave many
demonstrations of our digital DispexCD register. However if anyone has any follow-on queries,
please do not hesitate to contact the team! If you were unable to attend the conference and
would like to receive details on our DispexCD platform or our new Owing Books you can
also contact the office.
The DDA have announced details of next year’s event, and if it’s anything like this year’s, it
will be the place to be in 2023!! We look forward to meeting you all again and many more
face-to-face next September!
Save the date: 27th-28th September at the Macdonald Burlington Hotel Events Centre!
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