Archive for Training
Making Sense of Personally Administered Items and VAT- Unravelling the Mystery
A Comprehensive Guide to Personally Administered Items & VAT for Dispensing Practices NOW This auto-marked programme will give you the knowledge you need to understand PAs and VAT in a...
Digital CD registers: not made the digital switch!? There’s still time to book for FREE!!
Not made the digital switch!? Attend our free webinar to hear the why and how! DispexCD is fully legally compliant and supports NICE best practice Multiple layers of security &...
2022 Tutorial Schedule
New Schedule We understand that your protected learning time may still be limited, as we continue to live through the pandemic, for this reason we have decided to continue...
Digital CD registers: not made the digital switch!? Attend our FREE webinar!!
Not made the digital switch!? Attend our free webinar to hear the why and how! DispexCD is fully legally compliant and supports NICE best practice Multiple layers of security &...
2022 NHSBSA Webinar Dates
Batch Submission and Switching Presented by Mark Gibbon, Pharmaceutical Technical Analyst. Mark works with BSA processing staff/contractors enabling accurate reimbursement This Webinar will offer clear guidance through the end of...
Winter 2021 Tutorials
Our range of online professional training courses are hosted by welcoming and knowledgeable Dispex tutors. Please note, it is not essential to attend course parts in order, as they have...
FREE DispexCD Webinar- 2.12.21 & 24.2.22!!
Not made the digital switch!? Attend our free webinar to hear the why and how! DispexCD is fully legally compliant and supports NICE best practice Multiple layers of security &...
2022 Online Tutorials
New Schedule We understand that your protected learning time may still be limited, as we continue to live through the pandemic, for this reason we have decided to continue to...
FREE DispexCD Webinar!!
Not made the digital switch!? Attend our free webinar to hear the why and how! DispexCD is fully legally compliant and supports NICE best practice Multiple layers of security &...
2021 Autumn & Winter Training Schedule
We are pleased to introduce two new Tutorials for the Autumn-Winter Schedule! DRUMS This NEW tutorial will cover the main aims of DRUMS and will provide guidance on how to carry...
Looking for flexible online interactive learning??
Well look no further than Dispex Education!! Here at Dispex Education, we offer a wide variety of engaging and relevant online courses to meet the needs and requirements of...
Respiratory care is changing, and you need to keep up!
13-14 October 2021 It’s been such a long time since the respiratory community gathered at an event, so this year we’re making sure Respiratory Professional Care will be better than ever! Respiratory Professional...