Learning Styles

The concept of “learning styles” refers to the idea that individuals have preferred ways of learning and
processing information. There are several recognised learning styles, with some undergoing adaptation
in response to the increasing demand for online resources in recent years.

Some common types of learners include:

  • Visual Learners: Prefer to learn through images, charts, graphs, and other visual aids. They often
    benefit from seeing information presented in a graphical format.
    If this describes you, explore our:
    Learner-led courses
  • Auditory Learners: Learn best through listening. They may prefer lectures, discussions, podcasts,
    YouTube videos and other auditory methods of instruction. These individuals often benefit from
    verbal explanations and discussions.

    If this describes you, explore our: Tutorials
  • Kinesthetic (Tactile Learners): Learn best through hands-on experiences, physical activities, role
    play and printed materials. They prefer learning by doing.
    If this describes you, explore our:
    On-site visits* –geographical restrictions apply
  • Reading/Writing Learners: Excel with written information. They prefer to read and write to understand
    and remember concepts. They often
    benefit from note-taking and reading materials independently.
    If this describes you, notes can be taken during
    all of our courses!
  • Social Learners: Thrive in group settings and collaborative environments. They learn best through
    interactions with others, such as discussions, group activities, and cooperative learning.
    If this describes you, explore our: Tutorials and On-site visits*
  • Independent Learners: Prefer learning alone and are often self-motivated. They may find solitary study
    self-paced learning, and reflective activities most effective.
    If this describes you, explore our: Learner-led courses

It’s important to note that many individuals have a combination of these learning styles, and learning
preferences can evolve over time. Additionally, some educational theories and models may use different
terms. Understanding your preferred learning style can enhance the effectiveness of the learning process.