2023-24 PCN Training Funding


4 Steps to Free Training from Your PCN

1. Identify a leadership & management training requirement.

2. Find a relevant and suitable Dispex course- such as our F-2-F training day , online 7
course package or our in-house DMPRs.

3. Contact your PCN Lead and provide them with our email training@dispex.net, we will invoice
your PCN for payment.

4. You will receive your training confirmation directly from Dispex.


Secure Your PCN Funding

The 2023-24 PCN DES Contract specification outlines a Leadership and management payment,
this translates to £17,100 per 20,000 patient PCN. C
lick here to read the updated DES contract
in full. 
Ensure you provide your PCN team with our email training@dispex.net, we will
invoice your PCN for payment.