Leadership & Management Package from Dispex

7 courses package for: £330 per member learner  or  £480 per non-member

  • PAs & VAT
  • Induction of New Staff
  • Leading and Motivating a Team
  • A Comprehensive Guide to Controlled Drugs
  • Organising and Delegating
  • Performance Management
  • Understanding Leadership

Prices are per learner & include all 7 courses. Prices are inclusive of VAT. All courses must be completed
within 1 year of your enrolment date. For course descriptions click here.


Secure Your PCN Funding

The 2023-24 PCN DES Contract specification outlines a Leadership and management payment,
this translates to £17,100 per 20,000 patient PCN. C
lick here to read the updated DES contract
in full.
Ensure you provide your PCN team with our email training@dispex.net, we will
invoice your PCN for payment.