Utilise your next protected learning date!

Customised face-to-face training

We can bring the training to you, our half day on-site training sessions allows full interaction
between your team and our tutor.
All we require is a suitable room where the group won’t be
disturbed. Access to your dispensary is handy, but not imperative.

While there are geographical limitations, if an in-person visit is not feasible, we can adapt
most courses for delivery over a private Teams meeting.

Utilise your next PLT date, contact the training department for further details! Members discount applies!

Easy to visit areas:

  • Warwick
  • Worcester
  • Oxford
  • Leicester
  •  Gloucester
  • Northampton
  • Buckingham
  • Kent
  • Essex
  • Sussex
  • We can visit other areas, however more time & logistics will need to be involved.

Email the office for details: training@dispex.net

Geographical restrictions apply