Medicines affected
Use other available HRT products where appropriate.
Considerations and background
Orion Pharma are out of stock of all strengths of sandrena gel sachets until late May 2022.
Enquiries about page or supply issue
You can send any enquiries about this page or the individual supply issue raised to:
Impact tiers
Low impactThese supply issues are likely to carry low risk and management options and should result in patients being maintained on the same licensed medicine.
Medium impactThese supply issues will require more intense manage options (such as using therapeutic alternatives, unlicensed imports or alternative strengths or formulations), which may carry a greater risk to patients/health providers than Tier 1 issues, but which are considered safe to be implemented at sub-regional level without further escalation.
High impactThese supply issues will be more critical, with potential change in clinical practice or patient safety implications that require clinical or operational direction to the system. They will be expected to generate public and clinician concern. The response will be nationally coordinated and guided and the NHS may invoke its Emergency Preparedness Resilience and Response (EPRR) function.
Critical impactThese supply issues will require additional support from outside the health system and will trigger the use of dedicated national NHS EPRR incident processes and procedures in order to provide additional support for the management of the shortage. Clear links and command and control mechanisms between the Medical Devices and Clinical Consumables Clinical Response Group, NHSE&I Central EU Exit Team, EPRR functions at both NHSE&I and ORC/DHSC, and Cabinet Office will be utilised.
*Provided by DHSC and NHSEI Medicines Supply Teams · Not formally reviewed by SPS or Dispex- click here for further details