Source: NHSBSA Email 17.7.24
Medicines covered by the Hormone Replacement Therapy Prescription
Prepayment Certificate (HRT PPC)
From Thursday 1 August 2024, the following medicines will no longer be in scope for the HRT PPC:
- Bedol
- Climanor
- Clinorette
This is due to the items being discontinued. As Climanor is being removed, the medicine
medroxyprogesterone on its own will also be removed from the list.
The list of items covered by the HRT PPC are included in the Drug Tariff.
Additionally, patients can check their medicine is covered by the HRT PPC at;
Click here for the source.
NEW DISPEX SOP: HRT Prescription Sorting P14
This SOP applies specifically to HRT prescriptions and the HRT PPC and processing of
these prescriptions emphasis is placed on the importance of meeting the legal requirements
associated with completing the FP10 reverse when any HRT prescription is handed out to the
patient or their representative at the dispensary hatch.
It is important that the dispenser checks evidence of a valid HRT PPC (Pre-Payment Certificate)
and relevant parts of the reverse of the FP10 are completed by the patient or their representative
on collection of their dispensed prescription.
NHSBSA Prescription Services is not authorised to return prescription forms to the surgery to obtain
retrospective declarations.
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