Nudge your success with optimised prescribing

Dispensary Friendly Formulary – another resource to help Dispex members
By Dr Philip Koopowitz – Dispex & Hexagon6

Dispex has a wealth of resources to assist practices in creating their own bespoke
dispensary-friendly formulary.

This includes our Brand Comparisons section, which allows practices to see the
financial implications of dispensing certain products within the same class.
have recently added disease-specific
formularies, starting with Asthma and will
be completing the Respiratory formulary over the next month. You
may have
noticed that our Asthma formulary is also Wholesaler-specific, allowing you to
order in the
most financially efficient way.

We know that one of the biggest obstacles for clinicians prescribing from a
dispensary-friendly formulary is a
lack of knowledge and not being able to
remember the nuances of whether to prescribe generically or by brand, and
if by brand, which particular brand.

We have developed a Dispex Nudger which is a pop-up that highlights to the
prescriber when they should
be considering prescribing a more dispensary-friendly
alternative. Members will need to login to view the links and video.

We have published an easy-to-follow video to allow you to set this up in your EMIS
system and a guide for SystmOne. The Dispex Nudger needs to be set up in conjunction
with our Brand Comparisons.


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