National Apprenticeships Week 2022: 7th – 13th February 2022

National Apprenticeship Week  is a week-long celebration of apprenticeships, which shines a light on the brilliant work being done by employers and apprentices!

Dispex is very pleased to be working with Paragon Skills, the leading provider of Apprenticeships for HealthCare settings. Paragon provides an apprentice recruitment service which supports you to find quality candidates to join your dispensary. They advertise and shortlist and then co-ordinate interviews with your
own team and then sort out contracts and the Apprentices CPD.

To discuss employing an Apprentice and for details on how to access the Levy fund,  please contact Alistair Ling directly-  (please quote your Dispex ID number).

Dispex has also developed a DDA approved Online Learning Module for New Dispensers and Apprentices in Dispensaries. Apprentices recruited by Paragon will be eligible for free access to this 30 hour course which will give candidates the confidence to understand the complexities of dispensing and work in dispensaries.