Leadership & Management Package from Dispex



£363 per member or £528 per non-member

Secure Your PCN Funding

The 2023-24 PCN DES Contract specification outlines a Leadership and management payment,
this translates to £17,100 per 20,000 patient PCN. C
lick here to read the updated DES contract
in full. Find your PCN contacts here.
Ensure you provide your PCN team with our email
training@dispex.net, we can invoice your PCN for payment. Dispex will require a copy of
your PCN’s email approving your funding and their invoice address details.


Once your request for funding has been approved by your PCN, please contact the Dispex office
email. You have two options for payment. We can either directly invoice your PCN or
alternatively, we can invoice your practice. If you choose
the latter, you will need to coordinate
with your PCN to arrange your reimbursement. Once Dispex is in receipt of a payment the learner
will be enrolled on all 7 courses. All courses must be completed within 1 year of the enrolment date.
Prices are
per learner and include all 7 courses . The prices are inclusive of VAT. Course descriptions
can be found