Dispex is led by two dispensing doctors who understand the complexities and intricacies of dispensing
practices. Our focus on Training, Profitability, Information and Dispensing Supplies enables our
members to significantly enhance the efficiency and profitability of their dispensaries.
Online Profitability Tools
Monthly lists of generics costing more than tariff I Brand Comparison I Benchmarking Resource I
Positive PI’s I Manufacturers Discount Updates
Online Updates on
Concession prices changes I The Drug Tariff I Drug Supplies I Category M changes
Discounted Training
Tutor-led I Learner-led I Private Teams I On-site
Free Electronic CD register
Discounts on Dispensary Supplies
Owing Books I Denaturing Kits I Paper CD registers – We also supply dosette trays
Advice & Support on dispensing issues
While The Gazette is accessible to non-members, access to our online profitability tables & guidance
is exclusively reserved for Dispex members