Information supplied by Hexagon6
From April 2024, the Dispensing Fee will rise by an average of 25,7 pence per item. Whilst this is good
news, when compared to the April 2023 fee per item, there is an average fall of 11,8 pence per item.
Practices are reminded that the scale relates to items assigned to each GP, whether they are a partner
or salaried. All prescriptions assigned to other prescribers e.g. Nurse Practitioners, Community
prescriptions, Hospital prescriptions and Dental prescriptions will automatically be added to the
most senior partner within the practice. This will increase the number of items for that individual and
as you can see, the more items an individual GP submits, the lower the dispensing fee for all those items.
If you spread the items relatively evenly between the GPs, this can increase your fee per item by up to 10
pence per item, which is not insignificant. Most clinical systems have a way of allocating the prescriber to
distribute the repeat prescriptions generated more evenly. Keep an eye out for the April Gazette for more