Dispensary Cleaning Standard Operating Procedure

As the cold and flu season is in full swing, perhaps it’s time for a thorough deep clean?
While dispensary work surfaces must be wiped down with a clean, hygienic cloth at the
beginning and the end of each working day. In addition to conducting daily checks on
all dispensing equipment! It might be an opportune moment to schedule a deep clean,
focusing on patient and staff high-touch areas alike!

It’s also advisable to verify the presence of a cleaning Standard Operating Procedure (SOP)
and check sheet
in your operational protocols. Dispex members can login here to download
our SOP
D1-Dispensary Cleaning.

Our SOP Covers

  • Regular waste collection
  • Pierce proof gloves & other suitable PPE
  • Automatic counters
  • Cross contamination
  • Suitable glass measures
  • Equipment checks
  • The dispensary refrigerator
  • A sample equipment checklist

TOP TIP: Gloves must be available and worn when dispensing and repackaging Cytotoxic drugs.
(Refer to SOPs on Cytotoxic medicines and BNF for indications).


While on the topic of cleaning and organising, lets take a look at Disposal of Medicines! This area
deserves particular attention, especially if you have new staff or locums, have excess waste awaiting
collection or if you have inappropriate segregation of wasted medication!

Our comprehensive SOP DPX-QC3 Disposal of Medicines, covers the following:

  • The Process Stage
  • Who can we accept waste from
  • Receiving waste medicines
  • Expired dispensary waste medicines
  • Sorting
  • Disposal
  • Liquid medicines
  • Solid dosage forms
  • Dealing with full waste medicines containers
  • Needlestick injury and emergencies

Refer to the guidance from your waste management contractor regarding waste licences or
registered exemptions.
COSHH guidelines to be adhered to throughout this process.

SOP DPX-QC3 applies to waste general medicines and does not include waste CDs (refer to
CD destruction). Please click here for details on Denaturing kits via Dispex.