Help shape a new factual accuracy process
Source: CQC
We know how important the current factual accuracy process is to ensuring that the information we publish accurately
matches the care your service provides. As you know we are currently developing a new regulatory approach, which
will include an equivalent to the factual accuracy process. We want your input on what works well in the current model
and what you would like us to do differently in the future.
Before completing the survey. Please either watch the video of our recent webinar or have a look at the slides.
How we’re changing our ratings and reports
We’re proposing changes to the way we publish reports and ratings following our assessments of health and social care providers.
These updates include the layout of reports on our website, sections and information on how we’ve assessed providers.
The changes are part of the work we’re doing to meet our strategy ambitions and support people to make decisions about their care.
Find out more about the proposed changes by watching the recording of a recent webinar