Archive for General news
The BMA has issued prescribing guidance
Source: BMA 26th July 2021 The BMA GP committee’s prescribing policy group has published guidance to help with the clinical responsibilities on prescribing. Click here to read the guidance.
Confused by the new PCSE Online Drug Statements?
Well, Dispex has produced an easy-to-follow comparison between the New PCSE and Old Exeter statements within our Informatics section of the website
Updated Product List of Upcoming Patent Expiries
We have added the latest list of commonly prescribed products whose Patent is due to expire in 2021 and 2022. Click on the Informatics page and then click on the...
A Members Guide to the NEW Website
Please click here to download your copy! Members don’t forget to register for a new login-details can be found within the guide!!
70 % probability of heat-health alert
Issued at 7:59am on Friday 16 July 2021 There is a 70 % probability of heat-health alert criteria being met between midnight on Saturday and midnight on Tuesday in parts...
Your surgery will need to register for a new login! Please send the following information to to submit your surgery details; Dispex ID (if known) Surgery Address Main @nhs...
First progestogen-only contraceptive pills to be available to purchase from pharmacies
Progestogen-only contraceptive pills will be available for the first time from pharmacies without prescription, increasing choice for women in the ways in which they can access contraception. Click here to...
Parallel Import Profitability Tool-July 2021
We have updated the Parallel Import Profitability tool with the latest July prices!!! Dispex Member can gain access to our Profitability Tools and data. We provide everything you need to...
Aligning the upper age for NHS prescription charge exemptions with the State Pension age
Aligning the upper age for NHS prescription charge exemptions with the State Pension age Source: Department of Health and Social Care This consultation is seeking views on changing the upper...
The July Gazette is now out!!
The July Gazette is now out- NEW website, new logins, new tutorials! Plus generics costing more than Tariff, support and advice for Dispensing Doctor Practices!! Click here to download...
Your surgery will need to register for a new login! Please send the following information to to submit your surgery details; Dispex ID (if known) Surgery Address Main @nhs...
Extension of temporary suspension of the need for signatures on prescriptions-UPDATE
Extension of temporary suspension of the need for signatures on prescriptions, dental and ophthalmic forms Source: DHSC/NHSBSA This is an announcement on behalf of the Department of Health and...